Fifth City Premiere!



It was a semi-packed house as most of the cast and crew showed up for the Fifth City unveiling in glorious Gaithersburg, Maryland! While the place may not seem packed, this is a 300 seat theater, and there are several hundred people hiding behind the cameraperson.

The movie got a great response, and it was a lot of fun to hear the actors being cheered as their names came up. Christi Etcher got some catcalls as she appears in the movie in a midriff-baring blouse. And certain evil actors were spontaneously booed. All in all, it was the best kind of rowdy fun...the kind where no one is hit by empty beer bottles.



Christi Etcher, star of the Fifth City, made the longest trip...all the way from fancy-pants New York City with her husband John.


David Stewart, an old friend and collaborator with Piranha Pictures who played one of the villains of the movie, showed up from the wilds of Charlottesville, VA.


Movie composer Jason Russler drove from...well, about ten minutes away. He was very bitter about going so far out of his way


Here is Eric kissing up to Leanna Chamish, star of Vampire Sisters, Stakes, and QVC!


Now Eric is kissing up to Kevin Kangas, director of the Fear of Clowns series and Hunting Humans.


Bette Cassatt wouldn't let Eric get past her to use the bathroom. He may have had an accident, but we'll never know.


Here is John Johnson and David Simmons from Darkstone Entertainment. Their movies would be listed here, but they are too numerous to fact, in the time it took to type these words, they made four feature films.


Here is Walt Winfrey

and Mara and Marty!


John had this well-reasoned and very well thought out critique of the movie. Five seconds later, Eric threw some poop-filled underwear at him that he got somewhere.



And with that, we come to the conclusion of the premiere. A good time was had by all, and afterward about thirty people irritated the staff of Lone Star Restaurant by showing up at ten in the evening and ordering tons of food.

So that was it!