Shockheaded Story

Noble lives alone in a rundown hotel. He never speaks to anyone.

He has been dreaming of a man in a white mask every night. Sometimes a man is wearing the mask, and sometimes it is only a mask with eyes inside of it.

From time to time, something shows up under the bed. But whenever Noble looks under the sheets, it is gone.

Someone has been sliding notes under Noble's door. He is never able to catch the mysterious sender.

One day, two detectives show up at Noble's door. A woman used to live in the room that Noble now occupies, but one day she disappeared. She owes the detectives a lot of money, and they want to find her. They threaten Noble and tell him that if he ever sees this woman, he needs to find them and let them know where she is.

The next day, a mysterious man shows up outside of Noble's hotel window. He suggests that he can help answer the questions Noble has...the meaning of the white mask, the figure under the bed, and the person who has been sending the notes. However, all of these answers can only be found with the missing woman.

This man gives Noble a path to follow...the woman can be seen on an underground television show, but the signal's origin isn't known. If Noble can find the people who broadcast the pirate channel, then he can find the woman.

Noble heads out to find anyone who might know where the show is broadcast from. His search brings him into contact with many colorful, and possibly dangerous, underground dealers.

Finally, Noble finds some of the masterminds behind the broadcast. And from there, things only get worse.